So a couple of weeks back I gathered some faces from the local scene and headed for Norwich to meet Dan and the Milk Skateboards crew for filming duties.
The band of degenerates I delivered to the county town of Norfolk are collectively known as the Dirty Boyz. This tight knit crew consists of skaters from Bury St. Edmunds and the surrounding area although Louis Meyers-Bickel a founding member now lives in Austrailia, still getting dirtay in the sun....apparently.
(Dirty Boyz can be found on instagram @therealdirtyboyz)
Arriving at Eaton Park in a fine drizzle, we decided to walk and check out a spot at the other end of the park by a model boating lake as Dan & co were still en-route.
Shortly after our return to the car, Dan arrived positive that the rain would pass shortly to leave a dry and sunny late afternoon. He was to be proved correct.
As the first spot of choice came into view - the well known and newly revitalised rail in the corner of the Toys'R'Us car park the realisation that our day was not going to be as straight forward as first hoped hit. A street fair on the adjacent St. Benedict's Street had filled the toy store's car park to the brim leaving the rail surrounded and obstructed.
Quickly moving to the front car park the now three cars full plotted their next move using the local knowledge of skaters living in the city.
Skating to the first stop we found a nest of wet ledges on Exchange Street opposite Cafe Rouge. One sacrificed T-shirt later, the session got off to a tentative start.
I shot from a few positions and the long results are very pleasing. Especially Jasper's b/s tail slide which was taken before I'd had time to set any lights up.
Jasper Pegg - nollie b/s board slide bigspin |
The other end of the picture above |
Matt O'Neill - nose slide bigspin |
Jasper Pegg - b/s tail slide |
Jake Royal - f/s boardslide |
Sam Hayter |
Moved on by PCSO's after half an hour, we chose to skate back to the cars and head to the magistrates courts to skate the red brick bank to wall.
Harley got busy along with Jasper and Charlie with the VX and after a few minute, I noticed Jake Royal frontside flipping on the bank. I told hime it would look great round the tree at the end of the bank and second go avoiding steps and debris, he smashed it!
Jake Royal - f/s flip |
Jasper Pegg - switch wallie off the door & over the steps, b/s 180 into the bank |
Nathen Farrow - b/s flip wallride |
Satisfied with the clips we had in the bag, we headed back to Eaton to skate the spot checked at the start of the day. All model boat related activities had ceased and the club house was deserted apart from another group of skaters who had the same idea as us.
The club house made a nice backdrop for these next few.
Jacob Attenborrow - f/s nosegrind |
Charlie Munro - b/s crook |
Jasper Pegg |
Jasper Pegg - nollie f/s tailslide |
Harley Miller - b/s 5-0 |
Again, whilst shooting the steps I noticed Matt trying something else and decided to shoot it.
Matt O'Neill - f/s board slide round the corner |
Matt got one or two he was happy with but still managed to get wet by telling me he wanted "one more go.". Never ends well!