Monday, 23 December 2013

Empire Skatepark Christmas Party

And as the rain falls and the winds whip leaves into soggy piles hiding many an uneven paving slab, it's nearly Christmas and so in the season of giving, I gift you with a selection of shots taken at Empire Skatepark's Christmas Party on Saturday.
This the last public event of 2013 was very well attended by a great number of loyal local customers of the park and friends from the big smoke surprising me on their arrival, as well as the usual traveling support. It was very pleasing to see all users getting along and skating/riding/scooting together.
I will at this point add that this blog is not generally a platform for scooter photos. I have not used any in this post. Please go to the Empire Skatepark Facebook page where you can see all the photos taken.

The proceedings comprised of a constant session on a rammed mini ramp which I joined for a short while late in the evening and the initially mellow park session ended up as a comp on the new flat bank extension with the usual fabric rewards. 
After a short break for MC (Harry), the presents were staked on the driveway and a high jump comp was attempted. Boxes everywhere! 
I'm never sure who wins what during these events, so very well done to all you winners!
Music was provided by Luke and co on the decks and a short set by what I can only describe as a folk duo. To be honest, I wasn't really listening. I did note that there appeared to be an accompanying hoolahooping session going off in front of the stage during the music. Blackwell made his feelings about this quite clear.

On leaving the park around midnight, I said goodbye to numerous fiends and whilst standing chatting to Cerven, I was hit in the shins by a wayward board and when I looked below my socks, I found a small truck axle sized hole approximately 10mm deep in my right shin. These things come with the territory and I hold nothing against the poor apologetic fella who's board I stained. Just another scar for the record.