Words & photos by Paul Jackson
The photos in this post I managed to lose straight after the event. They just vanished from my drives. Only now have I located them. So here we go...
Bury St. Edmunds summer jam has been a major event for a decade now, which is why we decided to do something extra this year.
Since the local council let our longstanding partner Simon Pickering go they've been pushing Bury St. Edmunds Skatepark Experience - the charity that helped get the park built back in 2012 and continues to fundraise and liaise with local authorities to make sure the park is kept in a usable condition, to take over the organising of events at the Olding Road site. They even sent a couple of trustees on a event safety management course to prepare us.
So last year we managed our first one day event with great success and this year we did something a little special. A two day bash with three music acts - Franko Fraize headlined with support from Tundra and Short Cuts on Saturday night with food provided by our friends from Chihuahua's Modern Mexican Street Food. A proper good burrito!

I'm not quite sure how we managed to pull the Saturday night off to be honest. It so nearly didn't happen. Getting three bands to commit to a date has never been so much effort. A big, big thank you to Jason Mills of Hardcore Hobbies for sticking with it!
Sunday was the usual manic slog from 10am to get things set up for doors at 12. P.A., DJs, Volunteers, First aid support, Prizes, safety checks & briefings and a final litter pick along with a constant eye on where people are parking. The amount of people that thought it acceptable to park around a corner astounded me. We must have relocated a good 20 vehicles before the gates even opened!

With the sweet smell of The Mobile Pizza Company's smokey wood oven The jam kicked off at 12 noon and it went without a hitch.
Although the jam is an inclusive event for skaters, BMXers, scooting enthusiasts, even rollerbooters are welcome, this blog is purely a skateboarding thing, ya know?
If you want to see photos of the other disciplines, go to Hardcore Hobbies website.
Under 16s Bowl
Over 16s Bowl

Under 16s Park

Over 16 Park

The Luke Jarvis Shield
Thanks go out to all the volunteers, helpers, punters, skaters, Fanko Fraize, Tundra, Short Cuts, The Mobile Pizza Co, Chihuahua's, the DJs, The Coffee House, Hardcore Hobbies, The Rehearsal Rooms, MAJIsign and St. Edmundsbury Borough Council.
See you for round two.
The Sticker Toss
#fourwheelfools #uk #skateboarding #burystedmundsskateparkexperience #suffolk #skatejam #raditudeweekender #raditude #summer #photography #skatepark #burystedmunds #stedmundsburyboroughcouncil